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Annual Commemoration & Annual Public Health Ethics Intensive Course

April 9, 2018 – April 13, 2018 All Day
The Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center at Tuskegee University
Tuskegee Alabama

The purpose of the Public Health Ethics Intensive Course is to provide an academically and professionally rigorous course for physicians, dentists, nurses, other healthcare professionals and medical residents, social workers, graduate students, undergraduate students, university faculty and other leaders including health educators, healthcare administrators, and community advocates. The course will build competency in the theory and practice of various spheres of ethics, including public health ethics, healthcare ethics, bioethics and research ethics, focusing specifically on their influence on race/ethnicity, sex/gender, and class. Through various presentations and interactive discussions, the course will explore the relationship of spheres of ethics to social justice and the needs of individuals, groups and communities locally, nationally and globally, especially vulnerable and susceptible populations.

Course Objectives

  1. Articulate how demographic constructs such as race/ethnicity/ sex/gender and class play a role in bioethics, public health ethics and healthcare ethics by honing skillsets of ethical reasoning.
  2. Discuss the ethical challenges and opportunities that influence human subject research, health care delivery, and public health policy and practice.
  3. Identify and discuss the narratives of scientists, faith communities, educators, ethicists and other collaborators/partners that highlight the complexities inherent in untold stories of healing that result in social justice.
  4. Define health as a total human experience, (for example, as understood in the concept of optimal health) and describe ethics and social justice as inherent to the health and wellness of individual persons, communities and institutions.
  5. Identify contemporary social justice issues that continue to challenge the optimal health of persons and communities across the globe while describing the signature elements common to various contextual approaches that are seeking to rectify such issues.

Each day there will be a series of academic keynote addresses. Each followed by an academic response, followed by guided group discussion among all participants. Respective faculty will lead the discussions. Bioethics Center faculty and related local scholars will provide didactics and lead respective discussions. In preparation for the course, participants will be provided recommended readings from scholarly works for completion prior to the course. For more information contact us the Bioethics Center at 334-724-4554 or send an email request to