This is the nation’s first bioethics center devoted to engaging the sciences, humanities, law and religious faiths in the exploration of the core moral issues which underlie research and medical treatment of African Americans and other underserved people. The official launching of the Center took place two years after President Clinton’s apology to the nation, the survivors of the Syphilis Study, Tuskegee University, and Tuskegee/Macon County for the U.S. Public Health Service medical experiment.
“The launching of this Center marks a turning point in a history plagued by abuse and abandonment, and we have the opportunity to address and ameliorate the terrible legacy of the U.S. Public Health Service Study,” said Tuskegee University President, Dr. Benjamin F. Payton. “We are pleased to be able to play such an important role in this critical transition, and to continue the University’s longstanding tradition of providing innovative health care solutions from an African American perspective.”
Annual Commemoration & Annual Public Health Ethics Intensive Course
The purpose of the Public Health Ethics Intensive Course is to provide an academically and professionally rigorous course for physicians, dentists, nurses, other healthcare professionals …